Our core strengths

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Indian Travel Bloggers

Managed by award winning bloggers,Travelmynation along with a traveling couple who loves globetrotting, our team curates trips based on personal experiences.

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Impeccable Tour Management

Now this is something we are proud of. Our team members are highly organized and like to get every detail right before the trip commences.

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Focus on experiences

Immerse yourself in authentic local experiences as we help you connect with the cultures, traditions, stories and cuisines of the stunning destinations we travel to.


We’re not going where others go. We’re going where others will want to go.

Passion. Experience. Superior Management

Moto Overlanders is the journey of four friends brought together by a single passion - travel. We were all 9 to 5vers at one time, but driven by our love for the outdoors we decided to come together to share our experiences with others. Thus, Moto Overlanders was born in 2019.

With extensive knowledge of the terrain, weather, travel conditions, cultures and people of India, we are the best people to take you around some of the most stunning, offbeat locations in the country. Having organized rides month-on-month for about 5 years and working as full-time travel bloggers, we offer our experiences through the routes we have personally gone through.

Moto Overlanders offers custom-made, experiential India motorcycle tours and India SUV tours, covering breath-taking destinations in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Nagaland, Karnataka, Kerala, Goa, and Tamil Nadu.

The Indian Sub-Continent is not just about visiting the cliched routes that you come across online - it’s much more than that! Our mission is to take you to offbeat places, to experience the local culture and cuisine so that you go back with tons of happy memories.


Oh, and did we forget to mention that our team will accompany you on your trip as your travel buddies and tour guides! Our highly curated guided tours are designed to help you travel across destinations without having to make any effort. All you have to do is to enjoy your vacation!

With over a decade of travel experience, Moto Overlanders has thoroughly scouted the Indian subcontinent, to bring you the best routes, accommodations, and attractions we have to offer. With extensive local knowledge and international flavor, our multi-skilled team is completely committed to delivering an amazing, personalized experience. We are seasoned travelers and that's why we think we are in a good position to deliver amazing experiences!

So, who best to take you around than us! We have conducted over 100 tours for Indian nationals and 10 tours for overseas clients and now Moto Overlanders is one of the most promising experiential travel startups in India.

Check out our India motorcycle tours & India SUV tours and if you want something personalized, get in touch with us and we will put together something amazing! Our team is looking forward to having you here!

Meet Our Team

Our team is the secret behind our success.









Why Us?

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Stunning Locations

From snow-clad mountains, gorgeous jungle rides to stunning beaches, we have it all covered as you travel through exotic destinations across the sub-continent.

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Meticulous Planning

We put in numerous hours planning every small detail before each trip. Our partners are carefully picked and our routes are selected based on our experiences

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Want a customized group tour? Or do you want a unique travel experience? We specialize in Made-to-order tours suited to your needs.

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On-Time Support

Moto Overlanders is committed to everyone who reaches out to us as we provide timely support before, during and after each trip.

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Local Experiences

We want you to experience the local flavor of the destination you travel to and our tours have a high quotient of culture immersion with local experiences

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Quality Vehicles

All our vehicles go through stringent inspections before they are deployed. This ensures the highest levels of comfort and safety during our trips.

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This is our topmost priority and it reflects in our tour scheduling, route selection, accommodation choices, quality of vehicles and other safety measures.

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Best Routes

Google maps don’t always show the best routes! Well, that’s done by our highly experienced team members who select the safest and most scenic routes.